Review of the PAC-12 Portable Antenna System

Since my old and proven antenna is only resonant on 20m and I did not like the fact that the mast does not fit into any backpack, I decided to give the PAC-12 antenna system a go. I’ve ordered the following from Aliexpress:

All in all the antenna system cost me ~100 EUR.

The antenna together with the X5105 for scale:


The coil for 40m:


This is how the antenna looks when deployed:



Protective Cover

The earth spike is very pointed and might damage the backpack or other carried items. I’ve designed a 3D printable protective cover for it that also includes a winder for the radials. You can download it at Printables.


Real World Test

A first test of the antenna during my POTA activation of DA-0221 gave me very nice results (Xiegu X5105 + MX-P50M, 40m/20m/17m/15m):



I like it a lot! Which is convincing to me:

The whip seems quite solid but it can be damaged easily when improperly handled. This is why I’ve ordered a spare whip - just in case.

Finally a picture with the antenna attached to the backpack using the MOLLE system:


Thank you for reading! If you have any comments or questions, please send me an e-mail.

#Antenna #Ham Radio #Review #3D Printing