QO-100 Ground Station
- Pluto+ SDR Transceiver
- Analogue Devices CN0417 pre-amplifier (1W)
- SG Labs 2.4GHz v3 Power Amplifier (20W)
- 100 cm offset dish
- Diavolo Twin LNB, modified for an external clock reference
- Ice Cone Helix antenna with 2.2 turns
- Leo Bodnar Mini GPSDOs as 40 MHz clock reference for the Pluto+ (TX)
- Leo Bodnar Mini GPSDOs as 25 MHz clock reference for the LNB (RX)
The SDR software I am using for QO-100 is the AMSAT-DL QO-100 Linux Transceiver by DJ0ABR running on Debian Linux.
Screenshot of the AMSAT-DL QO-100 Linux Transceiver:
The old 80cm dish with the Diavolo Twin LNB and the 2.2 turn helix antenna (need to replace it with a picture of the new 100cm dish):
What once started quite clean and tidy…
.. has evolved to this: