My gear for portable operations
The following is a picture of everything I am taking with me to portable operations:
The gear consists of the following:
- Yaesu FT-817 with the following modifications
- 3D printed Power Pole connector
- 3D printed VFO knob
- 3D printed side rails
- 3D printed protection cover
- Inrad 2000 Hz 455 kHz SSB 8-pole Collins filter
- DIY 6600mAh 4s LiPo battery
- power cable
- modified mic with built in voice keyer (BX-184)
- self made 1/4 wave vertical antenna for 20m wrapped around a 3D printed winder and a 3D printed mast tip
- 7m Spiderbeam mini mast
- tension belt
- ear phones
- pen and logbook
- coax cable
A picture of everything packed and ready to go (banana for scale):
Close-up of the FT-817:
Detailed pictures of the antenna and the winder:
This image shows how the antenna is attached to the mast: