Interfacing the BX-184 Microphone with the Xiegu X5105

I wanted to use my BX-184 microphone which has a built-in voice keyer with my new Xiegu X5105. It was used with the FT-817 until now and I enjoyed the parrot very much during my POTA activations. I’ve read that the Xiegu would use the same wiring as the IC-7000 so I followed the instructions of the manual (, page 3, bottom right). The mic itself worked but PTT was not. Analysing the original microphone, I realized that I need to connect MSVSW (Pin 3) with GND (Pin 7). Now PTT, and with this, the parrot is working, too.


This is how my BX-184 is now wired:


The green wire is the additional connection that has to be done in order to get PTT working.

Thank you for reading! If you have any comments or questions, please send me an e-mail.

#Ham Radio #Xiegu #Modification