[Presentation] An Introduction to Amateur Radio

I’ve been looking for a LibreOffice/PowerPoint presentation for a long time to show interested people what amateur radio is, what you can do with it and why it’s worth getting into this wonderful hobby. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything suitable, which is why I created one. The slides are tailored to me, e.g. they contain QSL cards to which I can then tell the respective story during the presentation (e.g. how such a contact via the ISS works, that you can do this with little effort and only with a handheld radio and a handheld Yagi). The presentation can therefore be downloaded in a modifiable format so you can adapt it to your needs:

The slides are licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

For a quick overview and to find out if the presentation is for you, here are the individual slides in JPG format:





















Thank you for reading! If you have any comments or questions, please send me an e-mail.

#Ham Radio