I have set up a new website that collects all RSS feeds of amateur radio blogs that I know of and then displays them centrally. You can find it at the following URL:
The following goals should be achieved with it:
- Promotion of our hobby
- Making less known amateur radio websites visible
- To provide a central place to get the latest news about amateur radio
- Making all these blogs centrally searchable (based on the RSS feeds)
- Making RSS great again
I have made the RSS feeds on which this service is based available in the form of an OPML file:
If you want to use your own RSS reader, but still want to enjoy centrally maintained feeds, you can also simply specify the OPML file from my Git repository as a dynamic source within your RSS reader. This is supported by FreshRSS among others.
If feeds have inappropriate content, great feeds are missing or you want to share something else, please contact me.